The #SheCanCoach campaign is a celebrator of Women in Coaching achievements, an advocate for Women in Coaching initiatives, programs, and structural changes, a connector of interested coaches-to-be with where to start, and a public voice exclaiming #SheCanCoach!
It's easy to get take part.
1. Join the #SheCanCoach supporters list to stay up to date on actions, events, programs, and achievements of women coaches.
70% of girls age 5-17 participate in sport
Only 30% of coaches in Canada are women
Women coaches keep girls in sport longer
Canada's girls need more Women coaches
2. And when you're ready to really dive in - Get Involved

Why Girls Need Sport
The benefits of keeping girls in sport extend far beyond the playing field.

Donate Now
Help us to keep girls in sport and recruit and retain the next generation of women coaches

2019 Mentorship Program
Changing the Game is a mentorship program for new female coaches in Ontario of every sport, age, and experience level.