Why Girls Need Sport

Girls Who Play Sports...

Have higher self-esteem

Developing competence and expertise in physical activities plays a powerful role in building a sense of self-worth.

Have a better self-efficacy

Accomplishments in sport help girls to build confidence and instill an intrinsic belief that they have the skills to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves, both on and off the playing field.

Increase earning potential

90% of female executives played at least one sport in their youth. This percentage increase to 96% for women in c-suite positions.

Perform better in school

Sport increases attention span, develops concentration and enhances social skills, which in turn all have a direct impact on academic performance.

Manage stress & anxiety more effectively

Sports stimulate the body's production of endorphins, which helps to release tensions, promote relaxation and affect positive changes in mood.

Have a reduced risk of obesity

Tackling low rates of physical activity among women and eliminating sedentary lifestyles reduces national obesity rates.

Develop a more positive body image

Sport encourages healthy living and promotes positive self-reflection.

Experience improved sleep cycles

Aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes helps to facilitate more regular and restful sleep cycles.

Cope more effectively with mental health issues

By mid-adolescence, girls are twice as likely to suffer from depression. Participating in regular physical activity has been proven highly effective in maintaining good mental health.

Have a lower risk for cardiovascular disease

Physical inactivity contributes to CVD risk factors including high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and more. Participating in sports reduces these risks and can even improve conditions for those with CVD.

Have a reduced risk of osteoporosis

Regular activity begun in childhood and maintained into adulthood is shown to improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis, a disease that primarily affects women.

Have a decreased risk for type-2 diabetes

Maintaining an active lifestyle is a major preventative measure against type-2 diabetes and can lower the risk significantly for those who are at a higher risk of developing the disease. 

Tend to have more active children

Role modelling a healthy, active lifestyle for children influences the likelihood of it becoming a consistent part of their every day adult life.

Create stronger social networks

Involvement in sports, particularly team sports, is shown to help develop social skills through interaction, nurture and positive support from coaches and teammates.

Report a more positive and consistent mood

The physiological & psycho-social benefits of sports are thought to contribute to individuals feeling 'lighter' and more 'optimistic' when they are regularly participating in physical activity.

Encourage their female peers to become active

Most girls and women will be more likely to join a sport if they see other females involved.

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Video Series

Only 30% of coaches in Canadian sport are women. It’s time to change that.



Coaching – Get Started

Interested in coaching but don’t know where to begin? Start here with resources, contacts, and how-to’s.

